42 research outputs found

    Centralised, Decentralised, and Self-Organised Coverage Maximisation in Smart Camera Networks

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    When maximising the coverage of a camera network, current approaches rely on a central approach and rarely consider the decentralised or even self-organised potential. In this paper, we study the performance of decentralised and self-organised approaches in comparison to centralised ones in terms of geometric coverage maximisation. We present a decentralised and self-organised algorithm to maximise coverage in a camera network using a Particle Swarm Optimiser (PSO) and compare them to a centralised version of PSO. Additionally, we present a decentralised and self-organised version of ARES, a centralised approximation algorithm for optimal plans combining PSO, Importance Splitting, and an adaptive receding horizons at its core. We first show the benefits of ARES over using PSO as a single, centralised optimisation algorithm when used before deployment time. Second, since cameras are not able to change instantaneously, we investigate gradual adaptation of individual cameras during runtime. Third, we compare achieved geometrical coverage of our decentralised approximation algorithm against the centralised version of ARES. Finally, we study the benefits of a self-organised version of PSO and ARES, allowing the system to improve its coverage over time. This allows the system to deal with quickly unfolding situations

    CHAINMAIL:Distributed coordination for multi-task Îş-Assignment using autonomous mobile IoT devices

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    The Internet-of-Things (IoT) becomes more and more pervasive and supports us in our daily activities. However, when individual devices struggle in accomplishing certain tasks, they have to cooperate in order to achieve desired outcomes. In the absence of a central controller, devices have to coordinate autonomously within the network in order to attain and complete as many tasks as possible. We propose CHAINMAIL, a novel, distributed approach to coordinate sensors to attain tasks that cannot be accomplished by single, but only by cooperation of multiple devices. We demonstrate our approach with an IoT case study on multi-object k-coverage with autonomously operating mobile cameras and show that our approach does not over-provision tasks, allowing the remaining devices to attain other duties. This enables our network to provision more tasks in the same time as other comparable solutions

    Online Multi-object k-coverage with Mobile Smart Cameras

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    In this paper, we combine k-coverage with the Cooperative Multi- robot Observation of Multiple Moving Targets problem, de ning the new problem of online multi-object k -coverage. We demonstrate the bene ts of mobility in tackling this and propose a decentralised multi-camera coordination that improves this further. We show that coordination exploiting shared visual features is more e ective than coordination based on Euclidean distance. When coordinating k-coverage in a distributed way, our results suggest that the design of coordination mechanisms should shi towards decisions being made by potential responders with up-to-date knowledge of their own state, rather than a coordinating camera

    An Architecture for Self-Aware IOT Applications

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    Future Internet of Things (IoT) applications will face challenges in increased flexibility, uncertainty, dynamics and scalability. Self-aware computing maintains knowledge about the applications state and environment and then uses this knowledge to reason about and adapt behaviours. In this position paper, we introduce self-aware computing as design approach for IoT applications which is centred around a self-aware architecture for IoT nodes. This architecture particularly supports adaptations based on node interactions. We demonstrate our approach with an IoT case study on multi-object coverage with mobile cameras

    Self-organising zooms for decentralised redundancy management in visual sensor networks

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    When visual sensor networks are composed of cameras which can adjust the zoom factor of their own lens, one must determine the optimal zoom levels for the cameras, for a given task. This gives rise to an important trade-off between the overlap of the different cameras’ fields of view, providing redundancy, and image quality. In an object tracking task, having multiple cameras observe the same area allows for quicker recovery, when a camera fails. In contrast having narrow zooms allow for a higher pixel count on regions of interest, leading to increased tracking confidence. In this paper we propose an approach for the self-organisation of redundancy in a distributed visual sensor network, based on decentralised multi-objective online learning using only local information to approximate the global state. We explore the impact of different zoom levels on these trade-offs, when tasking omnidirectional cameras, having perfect 360-degree view, with keeping track of a varying number of moving objects. We further show how employing decentralised reinforcement learning enables zoom configurations to be achieved dynamically at runtime according to an operator’s preference for maximising either the proportion of objects tracked, confidence associated with tracking, or redundancy in expectation of camera failure. We show that explicitly taking account of the level of overlap, even based only on local knowledge, improves resilience when cameras fail. Our results illustrate the trade-off between maintaining high confidence and object coverage, and maintaining redundancy, in anticipation of future failure. Our approach provides a fully tunable decentralised method for the self-organisation of redundancy in a changing environment, according to an operator’s preferences

    A Collective Adaptive Approach to Decentralised k-Coverage in Multi-robot Systems

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    We focus on the online multi-object k-coverage problem (OMOkC), where mobile robots are required to sense a mobile target from k diverse points of view, coordinating themselves in a scalable and possibly decentralised way. There is active research on OMOkC, particularly in the design of decentralised algorithms for solving it. We propose a new take on the issue: Rather than classically developing new algorithms, we apply a macro-level paradigm, called aggregate computing, specifically designed to directly program the global behaviour of a whole ensemble of devices at once. To understand the potential of the application of aggregate computing to OMOkC, we extend the Alchemist simulator (supporting aggregate computing natively) with a novel toolchain component supporting the simulation of mobile robots. This way, we build a software engineering toolchain comprising language and simulation tooling for addressing OMOkC. Finally, we exercise our approach and related toolchain by introducing new algorithms for OMOkC; we show that they can be expressed concisely, reuse existing software components and perform better than the current state-of-the-art in terms of coverage over time and number of objects covered overall

    The future of camera networks: staying smart in a chaotic world

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    Camera networks become smart when they can interpret video data on board, in order to carry out tasks as a collective, such as target tracking and (re-)identi cation of objects of interest. Unlike today’s deployments, which are mainly restricted to lab settings and highly controlled high-value applications, future smart camera networks will be messy and unpredictable. They will operate on a vast scale, drawing on mobile resources connected in networks structured in complex and changing ways. They will comprise heterogeneous and decentralised aggregations of visual sensors, which will come together in temporary alliances, in unforeseen and rapidly unfolding scenarios. The potential to include and harness citizen-contributed mobile streaming, body-worn video, and robot- mounted cameras, alongside more traditional xed or PTZ cameras, and supported by other non-visual sensors, leads to a number of di cult and important challenges. In this position paper, we discuss a variety of potential uses for such complex smart camera networks, and some of the challenges that arise when staying smart in the presence of such complexity. We present a general discussion on the challenges of heterogeneity, coordination, self-recon gurability, mobility, and collaboration in camera networks

    Improved adaptivity and robustness in decentralised multi-camera networks

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    In this paper we present increased adaptivity and robustness in distributed object tracking by multi-camera networks using a socio-economic mechanism for learning the vision graph. To build-up the vision graph autonomously within a distributed smart-camera network, we use an ant-colony inspired mechanism, which exchanges responsibility for tracking objects using Vickrey auctions. Employing the learnt vision graph allows the system to optimise its communication continuously. Since distributed smart camera networks are prone to uncertainties in individual cameras, such as failures or changes in extrinsic parameters, the vision graph should be sufficiently robust and adaptable during runtime to enable seamless tracking and optimised communication. To better reflect real smart-camera platforms and networks, we consider that communication and handover are not instantaneous, and that cameras may be added, removed or their properties changed during runtime. Using our dynamic socio-economic approach, the network is able to continue tracking objects well, despite all these uncertainties, and in some cases even with improved performance. This demonstrates the adaptivity and robustness of our approach

    Learning to be different:heterogeneity and efficiency in distributed smart camera networks

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    In this paper we study the self-organising behaviour of smart camera networks which use market-based handover of object tracking responsibilities to achieve an efficient allocation of objects to cameras. Specifically, we compare previously known homogeneous configurations, when all cameras use the same marketing strategy, with heterogeneous configurations, when each camera makes use of its own, possibly different marketing strategy. Our first contribution is to establish that such heterogeneity of marketing strategies can lead to system wide outcomes which are Pareto superior when compared to those possible in homogeneous configurations. However, since the particular configuration required to lead to Pareto efficiency in a given scenario will not be known in advance, our second contribution is to show how online learning of marketing strategies at the individual camera level can lead to high performing heterogeneous configurations from the system point of view, extending the Pareto front when compared to the homogeneous case. Our third contribution is to show that in many cases, the dynamic behaviour resulting from online learning leads to global outcomes which extend the Pareto front even when compared to static heterogeneous configurations. Our evaluation considers results obtained from an open source simulation package as well as data from a network of real cameras